Daytripping to Saraguro Ecuador

Located in the Loja province, Saraguro is a subconscious village marked by mountainous eyeful and traditional culture.

It’s set in the Southern region of Ecuador and is nestled among the rolling untried hills of the Andes.

You’re likely to finger as if you’ve stumbled upon a secret here, although I will say that it has steadily wilt a increasingly popular tourist destination in recent years.

Saraguro is an iconic Ecuadorian shire for its rich preserved heritage. It’s home to an pure Indigenous polity known for its many grand traditions.

Most people seem to think that the Incans are the only warmed-over peoples of Ecuador, but actually, there were a lot of other ethnic groups living here surpassing the Inca and many that protract to thrive today. 

The Saraguros are one significant example of such communities stuff worldly-wise to successfully preserve unique surcharge and a way of life without surviving the Spanish conquest.

Every Indigenous group in Ecuador has very specific clothing.

In Saraguro you will see the people of the Kichwa nation dressed all in woebegone wool. This is to represent their longstanding mourning for the last Incan empire of the Atahualpa.

Their most distinctive whatsit is likely their white hats with wide brims and large woebegone spots decorating them underneath. 

Many racial beliefs have been thoughtfully maintained within the culture of Saraguro, ranging from religious practices to increasingly mythical legends.

Attending daily services at the local denomination is a regular and revered custom within the community. Treasured stories and proverbs have been passed lanugo and preserved thoughtfully for centuries as well.

You can see the Saraguro culture reflected in their music and flit as well as the elaborate woven beaded artwork.

These are a people that are proud of their heritage and are widely considered to be warm and welcoming. 

Saraguro Cheese on plate at factory

Saraguro Cheese

Saraguro is moreover very famous for having the weightier cheese in the whole country. The environment of the zone meant that there was a lot of pasture land available.

Naturally raising cows became the main economic pastime in the community.

However, milk as a thingamabob product wasn’t making much money, and it was rhadamanthine tough for the family farms to survive.

The local dairy outfits then worked a joint and started making cheese with shared equipment and techniques.

Saraguro has been seen as an example of how to succeed in dairy farming all throughout Ecuador overly since, and the proof is in the succulent product. 

Empanadas Recipe

Things to Do in Saraguro

The racial town of Saraguro is not necessarily known for having a ton of activities and attractions to see and do per se.

Many stop over here on their way to or from Cuenca and spend only a day or two.

That stuff said, it offers an idyllic way to get a unravel from the cities and the crowds so that you can slow lanugo to soak up all the rich heritage that Ecuador has to offer. 


Due to its trappy mountain backdrop, you will find that there is an zillions of hikes to go on in Saraguro. This is unchangingly a unconfined way to explore the natural wonders of the area.

They range from easy to strenuous, so there’s an option for every skill level and ability.

Check out the gorgeous nearby lagoons of Cocha del Puglla, Culquiyacu, Yuluc, el Muerto, and el Corral if you have time.

It’s important to note that trails here can get muddy during the rainy season and in the dry season the sun can be very strong. It’s weightier to unchangingly plan superiority and be prepared surpassing heading out for a trek. 

Empanadas Recipe

Cascada de la Virgen de Agua Santa

Also known as the Virgin Waterfall of Holy Water in English, is one of the most popular places to visit when in Saraguro.

It’s easy unbearable to arrive, either by car or bike, as it’s just a short trip from the municipality center. It’s considered a sacred site and there’s a small sanctuary chapel nearby.

It’s unshut during the day to visit as well surpassing venturing out on the trail to the dramatic falls. 

Many purification rituals, locally tabbed limpias, have been carried out at this cascada as well in vibrations with local folklore.

There’s a little restaurant if you hike up an want and several rest points withal the way that moreover serve as overlooks.

It’s famous for having the image of the Virgin impregnated on the waddle squatter of the subconscious cave. In general, it’s just such a scenic spot to explore all the vast and lush natural splendor of Saraguro, Ecuador. 

Banos del Inca

Banos del Inca is flipside scenic stop with a reputation for enchanting wilderness.

To get there you can either walk a mile from the municipality part-way or you can take a taxi, which won’t forfeit very much at all. This hike is an uphill trek that should only take virtually 30 minutes.

The payoff is a scenic view of a decent sized waterfall and a nearby cave. It’s considered a sacred site as well so remember to be respectful of that while enjoying the stunning vistas. 

Kulla Raymi celebrations in the main square of Saraguro Ecuador

Traditional Holidays in Saraguro

Saraguro is home to many prominent Indigenous festivals that are held in town throughout the year to reflect and honor their strong sense of Indigenous culture.

There are four Raymis each year, one for each of the seasons: Inti, Kulla, Kapak, and Pawkar. It’s not a bad idea to plan a visit to Saraguro during one of their other religious festivities as well.

They tend to be very elaborate and it’s a unconfined way to wits the shared culture of such an important Indigenous polity firsthand.  

Tupay restaurant in Saraguro

Best Saraguro Restaurants 

Cheese stores are everywhere in Saraguro. If you’re a queso lover like me, you’ll want to stop into several of them as you wander virtually town to partake in some serious snacking.

The most famous kind of cheese here is tabbed queso Andino and comes in a variety of flavors, from basil to red pepper.

Ecuadorian Food

However, when you’ve reached your dairy limits and are ready for a full meal, there are a few famous restaurants to try out in Saraguro. 

Four cheese pizza at Quesos Saraguro cheese factory restaurant

Quesos Saraguros

Quesos Saraguros is one of the most esteemed cheese mongers in the region, it’s a joint of local dairy farmers. And it has a pizza shop as well.

It’s a quaint and relaxing spot with a warm environment. They serve thin husks style pies, and all are of undertow topped with the tastiest wright cheeses in the country.

Cuy in Ecuador

You can moreover pair your pizza with regionally made wines like the wild mortiño berry, a favorite local beer, or one of many other traditional Ecuadorian drinks.  

There are plenty of places to grab some grub all virtually the main square of Saraguro. This untried space is the part-way of village life.

Spending some time here just watching the polity interact is unchangingly a pleasant pastime.

You’ll find a few traditionally run cafes serving up archetype Saraguro cuisine as well as local haunts serving fares from other parts of Latin America. 

Ceviche in Ecuador


One of the most famous eateries in all of Ecuador. It’s run by a minion local doughboy named Samuel Ortega.

He’s globally renowned for gourmet gastronomy and has cooked at some of the finest restaurants in the world in Spain.

The concept is farm-to-table and the tasting menu here is the way to go.

Traditional dishes of the region are made with a modern twist. It’s a one-of-a-kind eating wits from the space to the presentation to the flavors. 

Almuerzo lunch in Saraguro Ecuador


Tupay is increasingly of an everyday local haunt and is a unconfined go-to for almuerzo.

This is typically the biggest meal of the day served in the afternoon with a set menu that includes soup, a main, and a drink. You can moreover order a tasty meat dish here which will come with veggies, rice, and plantain mash.

This is a unconfined spot to try a glass of chicha too, a typical local drink that is something like a wine spritzer made from fermented corn. 

The Market

Every Sunday in Saraguro there’s a massive local market to enjoy.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that they sell everything you might imagine. With an eclectic range of fresh juices, plates of hot supplies and handmade baked goods and Ecuadorian desserts.

It’s a regular smorgasbord of scrumptious bites to taste test. My weightier translating is to go hungry and be ready to take some doggy tons home with you.

I like to indulge in a little bit of everything, so I try not to fill up too much at only one stall. 

Ecuador Safety Tips
Waterfall in Saraguro Ecuador

How to Get to Saraguro 

Saraguro is located only two hours outside of Cuenca on the way to Loja. It’s well-nigh 90 miles north, and it’s conveniently just off the main road as well. This makes it a very simple day trip or stop over from the city.

There’s a Loja bus that departs scrutinizingly every hour from the main terminal in Cuenca and the tickets are very affordable, to say the least. 

Guayaquil is virtually five hours north of Saraguro by car. As this would be quite a far and expensive taxi ride, so going by bus is much cheaper.

That ride is closer to seven hours and travels via Catamayo and Loja.

Many moreover segregate to fly into Cuenca for a reasonable price and then take the shorter bus journey from there. 

Have you been to Saraguro Ecuador? If so let me know your favourite spot below!

Daytripping to Saraguro Ecuador is a post from: Bacon is Magic