The Golden City of Zaruma Ecuador

Although it’s not well known, Zaruma Ecuador is famous locally for coffee, gold and tigrillo.

Zaruma is located in the highlands of the southern coastal region of Ecuador. It’s an enchanting village nestled in the hills of the West Andes.

It is surrounded by a stunning natural landscape that’s teeming with native biodiversity.

The municipality has an upland of just under 4,000 feet, meaning views of the surrounding rugged scenery are often gorgeous.

It’s one of the oldest cities in the country. It is widely renowned for having a rich history and cultural heritage.

The full name of this subconscious gem is unquestionably quite a mouthful: Villa del Cerro de Oro in San Antonio de Zaruma.

Mining for Gold in Zaruma

It’s often said that Zaruma was founded by the Spanish when in 1595.

However, Indigenous peoples discovered gold in the zone during the pre-colonial era and began to work in the mines.

This was a dangerous endeavor for the warmed-over peoples. But they were fueled by a desire for such a precious metal.

The Zaruma gold region later gained its independence from Spain in 1820. It fell into a peepers without independence.

Though the rich deposits that the municipality was founded upon never really stopped stuff mined.

Ecuadorian Fruits

Gold mining is still the main economic source today for Zaruma, El Oro, Ecuador.

The stats suggest that well-nigh 10,000 people are directly or indirectly employed by this gold industry. And it produces over 10 tons each year.

The unfortunate side is that the mines can often create a lot of sinkholes.

This seems to be considering the international companies who come into Ecuador don’t use proper techniques.

In the evening I noticed a trappy haze just virtually dusk. Later I discovered that haze was pebbles from mining.

Thankfully I didn’t notice that well-expressed the air quality,

Locals are moreover at fault for illegally mining. One such infamous Zaruma sinkhole happened in 2022 when someone was illegally mining under their house and it fell.

View of main square in Zaruma Ecuador

Is Zaruma Ecuador Safe?

Travel in the El Oro province is not the safest. I haven’t explored a lot of it considering it can be unnecessarily risky.

However, Zaruma is one of the safer spots to visit.

In Zaruma, while there is so much money from the mines and many people driving very expensive cars. The town is still very traditional with its tracery and food.

A fun fact though is that a lot of people unquestionably came over from California and Europe during the gold rush. And so a lot of Ecuadorians here are blond and squint European.

The younger generation of Zarumeños‎ is far less interested in rhadamanthine miners than their parents.

Most go off to other cities in Ecuador to shepherd school and then return home from studying on the weekends. This is a big part of the tourism here.

For those that cannot make it home there are so many Zaruma cafes throughout Ecuador and virtually the world selling Zaruma coffee.

Zaruma Ecuador architecture

Why Visit Zaruma, Ecuador

Zaruma is a well-preserved, cozy municipality that can finger like stumbling upon a local secret.

The philosophy of the town will transport you when in time. And the rich history will leave you filled with a sense of fascinated wonder.

Add wondrous traditional cuisine and some of the weightier coffee roasts around, and it seems untellable not to stop into Zaruma while in Ecuador.

Zaruma is definitely a bit off the tamed path for most travelers. It’s moreover a Pueblo Magico, similar to what you’ll find in Mexico.

This basically ways that it’s heralded for its cultural heritage. Locals here have managed to preserve their unique traditional way of life very well.

Zaruma Colonial Tracery vibrant turquoise wooden house with terracotta roof

Zaruma Architecture

Zaruma, moreover wontedly tabbed Sultana del Oro, it is a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Zaruma is famous for its colonial-style architecture.

Ancient towers techniques of the 19th and 20th centuries have been well protected and restored with a ton of wood, which is typical of the Republican era.

The most recognizable characteristics are the intricate details, terracotta roofs, and brightly colored facades.

There are many well preserved wooden buildings in the centre of town that requite scrutinizingly a mannerly Wild West vibe to the town.

Zaruma Coffee cup on ledge looking out window into neighbourhood

Zaruma Coffee

This region grows and harvests some of the weightier coffee in all of Ecuador. Zaruma coffee has wilt famous all virtually the world.

Across Ecuador (and plane as far as Brooklyn) there are cafes specifically catering to Zarumeños.

As a people, they are so proud to be from their town and to have maintained traditional manners of living.

They moreover boast a diverse and succulent variety of traditional sweets to try as well.

Zaruma Ecuador view of city

Things to do in Zaruma

The historical municipality part-way of Zaruma has steep and narrow cobbled streets. These make for a lovely way to wander around.

It’s a fairly meaty and walkable town to explore on foot.

If you come at the right time you can find all kinds of celebrations taking place here, from supplies fairs to weekend markets to yearly festivals.

The biggest tourist witchery are the mines. But I didn’t go see them.

Instead I wanted to try tigrillo here, a worldwide Ecuadorian breakfast with mashed plantains, fresh cheese and egg.

I’ve had it many times but Zaruma is the rookery of tigrillo, a hearty breakfast for the gold miners..

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Here are some other unconfined things to do in Zaruma:

Municipal Museum

The Municipal Museum is a must-see to learn increasingly well-nigh why Zaruma is such a significant world heritage site in South America.

Many of the informational exhibits detail the role of mining worriedness in the cultural minutiae of the region.

The hodgepodge contains over 2000 items including archaeological artifacts, religious art, and paleontological relics.

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Mina El Sexmo

Mina El Sexmo is one of the most popular things to do in Zaruma. It is moreover the oldest mine in the Americas.

You can take a self-ruling guided tour of this legendary subterranean to discover increasingly well-nigh what makes this gold municipality special.

It’s conveniently tropical to the town center. Plus what’s increasingly fun than walking lanugo deep into the earth donning big boots and a silly helmet?

Sanctuary of the Virgen del Carmen interior

Sanctuary of the Virgen del Carmen

The Sanctuary of the Virgen del Carmen is a trappy example of neo-classic Latin America architecture. If you’re not religious it’s still worth popping in.

Set in the square of independence, everything from the splendrous style arches to the ornate grand shrine and lanugo to the brightly colored murals creates an eye-catching site.

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Hiking in Zaruma

You can moreover explore the zillions of natural wonders this region has to offer by traveling only a short loftiness outside of town.

You can moreover walk up to El Calvario Hill to soak up the sweeping panoramas. You can plane paraglide off of it if you’re feeling adventurous.

The shire is a tropical paradise. Be sure to trammels out some local waterfalls like Chaca Capac, Churro Blanco, and Huayaquichuma to get a taste of the magical Zaruma wilderness.

200 Miles Restaurant Zaruma window to exterior

Best Zaruma Restaurants

In modern times, this republican-era municipality is known for its traditional gastronomic delights, wright coffee, and traditional sweet treats.

You’ll find cozy, local haunts to try all over town, often that have been virtually for generations.

Regardless of where you go, it is obvious that this is a mining town the second you get your plate.

The portions are enormous, so order accordingly.

Apanado in Zaruma Ecuador, a traditional Ecuadorian meal on a table with untried tablecloth

200 Miles

When first feeling those pangs of hunger, I recommend heading over to 200 Miles.

It’s one of the weightier eateries for trying the traditional cuisine that Zarumenos are famous for.

Go for the whinge churrasco or the apanado here. Top it all off with some aji (Ecuadorian hot sauce), of course.

Traditional Ecuadorian supplies tigrillo on a plate on a wooden table

Cafe Trigrillo

Next, Cafe Tigrillo is where all the locals go. This ways that it’s increasingly affordable than a few of the other popular tourist spots.

It moreover feels increasingly pure and has been virtually for over 40 years. Don’t let the hole-in-the-wall facade fool you, this place is the real deal.

They make their own roast tabbed Cafe del Cerro and serve the weightier tigrillo you may overly eat.

This house specialty is a heaping plate of mashed plantain, eggs, sauced-up meat, and cheesy potato hash.

It’s filling, yet so nonflexible to stop eating considering it’s just that delicious.

You can moreover go for the bolon de mani, an expressly good nomination if you’re gluten-free or have a big hiking day superiority of you.

It literally translates to midpoint wittiness and is made from mashed plantain and peanut butter.

Zaruma Ecuador main square with palm trees and colonial architecture

The Weather in Zaruma

Ecuador is a country of so many climates. I wear sweaters and pants in Cuenca. But 5.5 hours yonder in Zaruma I was sweating through a sundress and flip flops.

It’s weightier to visit Zaruma, Ecuador when the climate is warm and dry. The rainy season runs from mid-December to mid-May.

My favorite months tend to be from July to September when exploring this part of the country.

Some say Zaruma is Ecuador’s weightier kept secret, and a day spent among the quaint and traffic-stopping town full of friendly, proud locals has sure washed-up a lot to convince me.

Zaruma Ecuador main square sign that says Zaruma

Getting to Zaruma

Taking the bus from Vilcabamba to get to Zaruma is surely the cheapest way to go.

You might hear that the trip will take well-nigh four hours, but it’s unquestionably closer to six.

However, the route it follows is via Loja and the views withal the way are veritably spectacular. It feels well worth it if you don’t mind windy, unpaved roads.

A taxi trip wouldn’t be outrageous here either, taking virtually two and a half hours it will likely forfeit 60 USD.

To victorious in Zaruma from Guayaquil, the bus ride is slightly shorter, averaging virtually three hours.

It won’t forfeit very much and the scenery withal the tailspin can be very trappy on this journey as well.

You can moreover fly from the GYE airport to the Santa Rosa Airport from there and then take a cab to the city, which is roughly 30 miles away.

In-country flights tend to be pretty affordable in Ecuador too if you plan in advance.

Have increasingly questions well-nigh Zaruma, Ecuador? Let me know in the comments below!

The Golden Municipality of Zaruma Ecuador is a post from: Bacon is Magic